Stay at unforgettable Nová Říše Monastery

Nová Říše monastery - Czech republic

9 Apartments

  • nova rise monastery monastery out
    Nová Říše Monastery, Vysočina
  • nova rise monastery monastery outside
    Nová Říše Monastery, Vysočina
  • nova rise monastery monastery village
    Nová Říše Monastery, Vysočina

According to tradition, the monastery in Nová Říše was founded in 1211 by Markvard of Hrádek and his wife Vojslava. They established it for the Norbertine religious sisters - Premonstratensians. Spiritual administration was provided by priests and provosts from the mother monastery in Zábrdovice (now part of Brno). The first solid point in the history of the monastery is the year 1248 when the provost of Nová Říše, Heřman, is documented by records.


To ensure you enjoy your stay with us...

* New accommodation in 9 apartments of various sizes, open since July 2024
* Capacity for up to 50 people
* Café with outdoor seating
* Shop offering monastery and regional products
* Access to the gardens and courtyards of the monastery
* Access to the Cloister, Chapel of St. Anne (by appointment), and the Church of St. Peter and Paul
* Wellness facilities near the monastery
* Sports activities - hiking, cycling, fishing, horse riding
* Cultural attractions - guided tours of the monastery, exhibitions in the monastery, Chapel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary
in Humberk near Krasonice, Telč - UNESCO World Heritage Site, Dačice, Slavonice ...

Prices on enquiry

max. 50 guests

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nova rise monastery library
nova rise monastery exposition