Plan an unforgettable event at Herberstein Castle

Castle Herberstein is the ideal event location.

Herberstein Garten Empfang by Helmut Schweighofer
Find out what you can do in Herberstein Castle
  • herberstein-schloss-rittersaal
    Herberstein Castle, Styria
  • herberstein-meeting-im-salon-herberstein-schloss-salon-standesamt
    Herberstein Castle, from above
  • schloss-herberstein-hochzeit
    Herberstein Castle, courtyard

Meeting in the salon

Meeting in the elegant salon with stucco ceiling and valuable antiques. Breaks in winter by the open fire in the new Knights' Hall and in summer on the and in summer on the flowering arcades with a view of the Florentine courtyard.

900€ / day

max. 80 guests

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  • Herberstein-Schloss-alter-Rittersaal-gedeckt-by-Helmut-Schweighofer
    Herberstein Castle, Styria
  • schloss-herberstein-festtafel
    Herberstein Castle, from above
  • schloss-herberstein-hochzeit
    Herberstein Castle, courtyard

Event in the Knights' Hall/Saddle Corridor

Celebrate festivities in the tradition of a grand castle. The front knights' hall was expanded in the 16th century to its present splendour. With its stucco ceiling and open fireplace, it offers the perfect setting for evening events looking for a very prestigious setting. The Saddle Corridor, once an open arcade, can be rented together with the Knights' Hall.

2.200€ / day

max. 90 guests

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  • Herberstein Gartenschloss Schlosshof bei Nacht by Lichtbildnerei
    Herberstein Castle, Styria
  • Herberstein Luftansicht Schloss Klamm by Helmut Schweighofer 2023
    Herberstein Castle, from above
  • schloss-herberstein-hof
    Herberstein Castle, courtyard

Photo shoot

A romantic castle, historical gardens, a museum of modern art in a nature reserve. Numerous photo motifs for all kinds of presentations and motif photos.

800€ / day

max. 20 guests

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