Nová Říše

monastery Nová Říše, Czech republic

Be ready for every good work

  • nova rise monastery fields monastery outside
  • nova rise monastery church outside
  • nova rise monastery library

According to tradition, the monastery in Nová Říše was founded in 1211 by Markvard of Hrádek and his wife Vojslava. They established it for the Norbertine religious sisters - Premonstratensians. Spiritual administration was provided by priests and provosts from the mother monastery in Zábrdovice (now part of Brno). The first solid point in the history of the monastery is the year 1248 when the provost of Nová Říše, Heřman, is documented by records.

nova rise monastery cathedral
nova rise monastery ceiling

Be ready for every good work

In the places where the rugged heart of the Vysočina region humbly bows to the vast ponds of southern Bohemia, not far from the historic town of Telč, an extensive monastery complex was built as early as the 13th century. Originally a women's monastery founded by Markvard of Hrádek and his wife Vojslava, it underwent centuries of turbulent development.


Come and find the peace, strength, and love of a place whose spirit was born from persistent effort and faith in life. Come to breathe and rest in the tranquility of your inner self. Come to assess how the current owners of the monastery, members of the Premonstratensian order, succeed in fulfilling their main mission, "to be ready for every good work," how they manage to connect the monastic way of life with work among people and for people.


Location capactiy

max. 50 people

Nearby recreation


0 m


0 m


Closest Trainstation


9,5 km

Closest Airport


101 km

Closest Cities


8,8 km


10 km


28 km


Nová Říše Monastery

U Kláštera 1

588 65, Nová Říše

Czech republic

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